Posts tagged ‘quote’

August 20, 2010

Mere Christianity

I’m not sure that this post fits into the “Narnia” theme of the Christian Fashionista event, but it certainly fits the theme of my blog this week – C S Lewis.

The book Mere Christianity is perhaps C S Lewis’ best work. Originally a radio presentation, Lewis first published the content in three volumes in the mid-1940s.

In this book we find a simple and straightforward approach to the Christian faith. Simple, because Lewis focuses on “mere” Christianity and wisely chooses not to get caught up in denominational disputes. Straightforward because he only takes 191 pages to explain every essential of the Christian faith!

I would recommend part one in particular to people who are not Christians, because it gives a very clear, logical explanation for God. I think that if someone were to read this one section they would get a lot of questions answered, but I know that they would have more, so I would suggest that they finish the book!

CS Lewis is not an entertaining author only when he writes fiction! Mere Christianity is especially easy to read because the content was originally spoken on the air, so the language used is very conversational, as opposed to being like a lecture or textbook. I would recommend this book not only to every adult I know, but to teenagers as well. It would be an especially important book to read for those in school (high school or college), because it lays a firm foundation for their faith.